Sunday, April 26, 2009

Summer Days

I've been on this no limits mode lately. I'm pushing myself physically to 14-15 hours straight of sports and than a workout. I don't know what it is but I don't feel like spending so much time on the phone, home, or even on the computer. Thankfully school is almost over. I just want to have the feeling like I still have control of time; I lost it when school started.

Won the RFK handball tournament this year. Put money in my pocket playing one of the sports I love = priceless. This summer is going to be one hell of a workout. I've been hanging out with Steven and Kevin from Class of '08 almost every time I go to the park. When I'm there I feel like those times when we would go straight after class and play till we either couldn't stand anymore, or our hands bled dry. Those were the days, and they keep going. I saw Aldo and Taylor or Friday. It was nice seeing them. I was talking to Aldo about getting some old baseball games with the old RFK team. I think it would really be a cool reunion. We even mentioned wearing those green or black jerseys that we got. Lol I still have mine in my closet.

The new security guard at RFK didn't allow me to enter the school! Freakin guy man. He pissed me off. I still love rfk though. It's amazing how many people still know who I am. I walked in and got those "heyyyy it's Julian" comments. Lol I miss those kids. The one's who knew you for the positive things you did, not the negative ones. Those kids remember me from my handball days, and my artwork. No one remembers me for my bad junior year or my other errors. I like being known for my accomplishments. I got a nice welcome back on the handball court that day. It actually felt good. I'm off from school in May, so I now know where I'll be spending my June. Not with the kids who I need to chase down to chill with, but the kids who are already chilling. The kids who are on the courts and on the front stoop of the park.


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